Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The things Kids say!

Good Morning!

This is going to be a sappy post.... I'm sorry... 

I felt like sharing this moment with you all.

One thing I miss about working with kids, is how they end up teaching you or making you think/ see things differently. 

The pictures they paint are absolutely beautiful.

Yesterday, My niece stepped up to the plate and made me cry with how sweet of a heart she has. 

Believe me she really does and it makes me so proud of her. 

One of her family dogs ( Haley) is not doing so good health wise.... She has been told that she might not make it past this weekend. 

My niece understands and is sad but made sure at Christmas to get their paw prints on ornaments and she hasn't put them away with Christmas stuff just in case. 

Well, now get your tissues for this next part cause even typing it to you all i'm tearing up and i haven't even started....


She said, " I need to write a letter for her to give to Sugar ( My family dog that passed) and Doodles ( Her grandmother's dog that passed) so we can tell them hello and they will become friends and play with Haley. Then maybe if we have anyone we miss in Heaven we can send a note with Haley to give to them too." 

Just touched my heart that 

1. She remembered Sugar.

 2. That she is thinking of ways to make Haley's passing a positive thing. 

3. That she is a sweet hearted little girl. 

I know I am such a lucky person to get to be a part of her life and watch her grow. She continues to amaze me. 

I hate that she will have to go through losing a pet. It was hard for me with the fish I had.....with the parrots I had.... but worse was Sugar. 

Losing a dog is unbearable... 

I truly believe they are family members

Sometimes better then a family member.

I didn't even live with Sugar at the time of her passing but I grew up with her being my alarm clock in the morning.

I grew up with her being the one that was home with me when my parents went out.

I grew up with her being the entertainment.

I picked her out... I picked her to be there for us... 

Her favorite was my mom... which good choice...

I have the connection my mom and Sugar had with Audrey.

I see Audrey look at me the way Sugar did to mom.

The you are their whole world look. 

Dogs are amazing and one might think I care too much about dogs.... 

That's me...

I wish more would care more...

I just would never take my Furbaby for granted. 

She's my best friend. 

Alright yall... 

Enough of me babbling on..  

Hope that all gives you a nice little thought to keep you going on this Tuesday!

<3 Ashley

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