Thursday, January 23, 2014

11....5....but 3 still going strong

Good Morning! How are you today Beautiful? I would like to pat myself on the back here and  add a little check off my 14 in 14 list! Tuesday night, I tried to make a breakfast pizza and was not thrilled with me it tasted like the breakfast toppings on bread.... fail in my book...needed a lot more cheese...and a whisk! Have you ever made a Breakfast pizza? What did you do?

I actually have cooked dinner every night this week! Go ME! Monday night I made my mom's Lasagna (that didn't quite taste like my mom's) but lets be honest Your mom always makes everything perfect!  Tuesday night was the breakfast pizza, and last night I made Baked Spaghetti!

We had snow days.... I was able to leave work early and then go into work late....It's nice to get those little breaks. Today is another but it's a normal day....blah haha Did you have a snow day? If so, What did you do?
Hope you all Have a wonderful day today!! Stay Safe and warm!
<3 Ashley


  1. Ya!!! That baked spaghetti looked really good :)

    1. It was very good! :) the leftovers are even gone already!



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