Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Super cute snowy day outfit!!!

Good Morning! Happy Tuesday!  I have to tell you about what I just came across! This is so cute! I just saw where some of the bloggers I follow were wearing these super cute outfits for their snowy days! The had a vest, long sleeve shirt, jeans, and rainboots! So Totally cute! each one added their own cute style. I so want to recreate that outfit for myself but...they say we are getting more snow tonight and into tomorrow...I don't think my vest would be here in time...wah!


  1. I just did an outfit post on this too! I'm new to doing outfit posts though, so mines not as great as other blogs.
    Love the boots!


    1. Oh I think your blog is great! I became a member of it yesterday! We have a snow day today for sure and I still have to go to work. My outfit is just not going to look as cute haha! Have a great day and thanks so much for the comment!



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