Good morning! I didn't do any shopping. I am only having to get a few more gifts but I will be ordering them online! If you did do your shopping hope you had fun and were able to get what you were hoping to get :-)
I just watched an episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer! Oh the memories! That was my show back in the day! I can quote most of the episodes! This episode was from season 2 with Spike and Drusilla....they were the perfect vampires! I am not a twilight fan and I don't think many Buffy fans were because let's be honest vampires don't glitter!
Tonight Kris and I are going to decorate for Christmas and watch a Christmas movie! We are going to eat our favorite dinner, chicken Alfredo from costco , thanks to his mom! I'm excited! Whoot whoot!
I will post pictures of our decorations once we get done tonight! Have a wonderful day! Stay warm!
<3 Ashley
Friday, November 29, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Well.... I have most of my Christmas shopping done! I need to hurry and decorate before the goodies start showing up on the door step of course after Thanksgiving.....dinner.....BUT Yes online weakness helped me get ahead of the game. Now work has passed out Secret Santa names.... I'm so excited! I can't wait to go all Secret Agent Man and leave their goodies around work for them! The holidays are so much fun! I can't wait to do some of my favorite traditions and make new ones with Kris! Hope you all have a great rest of your night.... pass along some of your traditions! I'll be blogging my traditions all month next month once I get decorated! Yay! So excited!
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
the countdown has started.....
Let the Countdown to Christmas begin! One of my favorite things to do is watch ABC Family's countdown to Christmas to see all the holiday favorites! Well movies start tonight at 8!
I am excites for this weekend! Harry Potter Marathon! Yay! I can't wait!
Now tonight make some hot chocolate or some cookies and cuddle up with the ones you love and enjoy!
Visit abcFamily for some more holiday schedule shows.
<3 Ashley
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Well it's almost Thanksgiving and I can't wait! This year has been one of the best years of my life and I really have so much to be thankful for!! My family and friends top the lists! Anyway here's a little Thanksgiving Trivia I found on pinterest.
Comment your answers below!
<3 Ashley
stocking stuffers
Good morning! Happy Tuesday! Goodness I am having such a hard time shopping for Christmas gifts! I have no idea what to get......ahhhh! I came across these pictures on Pinterest and thought that they might help y'all out...... me not so much.... Hope you all have a wonderful day!
<3 Ashley
Monday, November 18, 2013
In love with my Leg Warmers!
How adorable are these! I saw these legwarmers posted on a Facebook Group page as someone in my area was taking orders to make these for you for just $15 well of course with my boot sock obsession I jumped on them and ordered them right away! I wore them today with my brown sweater, white bubble necklace, gray leggings, and my brown boots! I love them! Some southern cuteness added to my cozy outfit! If you are interested in getting a pair for yourself you can email Sarah who by the way is such a beautiful girl!!
I hope you do get a pair because you won't be disappointed they are beautiful, comfy, and adorable!!!
<3 Ashley
Friday, November 15, 2013
Friday obsession....
Happy Friday! Hope everyone is having a great day! My current obsession at the moment is Boot Socks also known as Knee Socks. It gives your outfits a little extra cozy look. I have some on the way! I can't wait to wear them and show you how I rock them! <3 Ashley
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Oh so thankful for Wantable!
I am so incredibly thankful for the Wantable company! I came home from work tonight to see a box from WANTABLE. I looked at it puzzled knowing that my November accessory shouldn't have been sent yet. I opened it up and read a handwritten letter from Amanda Bowmen. I had been emailing her since seeing a fellow blogger showing off her WANTABLE necklace she got. I wanted the necklace especially after ordered a sweater that I knew it would look great with so Amanda had told me to email them when I was about to get my November box that she would see if that could be one of my pieces. Well I emailed her not too long ago and she said she was so sorry but that necklace wasn't in stock anymore. So to my surprise my letter from her read:
Hi Ashley,
Look what I found :) I hope you enjoy this awesome necklace. Have a great day and Thank you for being a fantastic WANTABLE customer!
Amanda Bowman
Team Wantable
So please please please!!! Visit WANTABLE and get a November box from them!! They are such an awesome company to buy from and this totally shows how warm and kindhearted they are!!!
<3 Ashley
Flurries Tuesday
Good Morning! Happy Tuesday! Only 6 more weeks until Christmas Eve!!! Have you started your Christmas shopping? Today around here we are expecting Snow flurries!!! I hope it is something to see because being with the kids when something like that happens it so cool! It's not suppose to stick so that's perfect! I only like for it to snow when I can be at home on the couch in my pj's with some hot chocolate and NETFLIX!!!!
Today, take a look around and realize what you have. It may be stressful or a long day but you always have something in any situation to be thankful for. Hope you all have a wonderful day!
<3 Ashley
Monday, November 11, 2013
Monday online shopping.....
Hey everyone! I hope y'all had a great day! I myself had a nice day but boy is it getting cold outside!!! I'm wrapped in my blanket doing what else.... ONLINE SHOPPING!!! Just what I call ONLINE-WINDOW SHOPPING. I should be packing or getting my Avon stock straight for a show I have Saturday. My lap top just wont let me walk away... Ugh! anyway here are some links below of things I bought over the weekend or are on my wishlist for you to enjoy if your lap top has you under a spell as well :)
<3 Ashley
Sunday, November 10, 2013
6 more Sundays until Christmas!
Good Morning! Happy Sunday! I just read that there are 6 Sundays until Christmas . WOW! I did a little shopping yesterday at Kohls and at Ross. Kohls was completely decorated for Christmas! Even played Christmas music I ended up leaving hearing " let it snow" play above me. Didn't seem right at all!
Ross is where I spent some money $25! I got a collage picture frame, a picture that has a quote of love, and scarecrow dish towels. So exciting!
The poll closed last night with Stuffing being the favorite Thanksgiving dish! Awesome! That's totally my favorite as well!
Ross is where I spent some money $25! I got a collage picture frame, a picture that has a quote of love, and scarecrow dish towels. So exciting!
The poll closed last night with Stuffing being the favorite Thanksgiving dish! Awesome! That's totally my favorite as well!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
<3 Ashley
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Stay in and cuddle
<3 Ashley
So it's that time of the year.....Time to make those Wishlists!!!!! YAY!!! I am holding myself back from decorating for Christmas. So sounds like a perfect time to make my wishlist. Hummmmm.... where to start....
Well now that I am going to be living with my boyfriend.... I am going to be happy to get Decor, pots and pans, dishes, bedding..... all those grown up things. Oh and those battery operated candles!!! I would love the house filled with them. Candles are so beautiful and calming.
My boyfriend and I are hoping to get an indoor electric fireplace. Perfect for our movie nights and a nice way to heat the living room.
For myself I'd love to get a Jordan Reed jersey number 86 for the Washington Redskins!!! And a puppy! My boyfriend said no pets but I'm still gonna ask!
What are some of your wishlist things? Comment them below!
<3 Ashley
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Well, still in my funk... but I'll get over it. Anyway, I don't know if it's just me or not....but I am really wanting to decorate for Christmas. ( cricket cricket) I know it is just the start of November and not even Thanksgiving yet but but but.... it is cold outside and sitting by the lit Christmas tree sipping on hot chocolate watching holiday movies just seems so perfect.
I come from a family that has a tree decorated in its own theme in each room of the house so 7 trees total. The Victorian tree, The kitchen gingerbread man tree, The beach Santa tree, the tea cup tree,the family kids craft tree, The Redskin tree, and my ballerina tree. So I find myself wanting to start giving each room of my boyfriends house a theme. Then I realize the amount in my bank account and I snap out of it.
So far, I know I would like the kitchen to have either snowmen or penguins in it with the plaid place mats I saw at Target over the weekend. I would love to make or buy a sign that says " Baby, it's cold outside.
That of course is my favorite holiday song. Jessica Simpson sang that song with her ex husband Nick Lachey and it has been on repeat every Christmas since!
The thought of Christmas makes me all giddy and yet frightened because I have no idea what gifts I am wanting to get my boyfriend or family.
Please leave a comment telling me about your holiday decor. Anything you have seen that fits the snowmen/penguin thought for the kitchen. Your favorite holiday movie, or your favorite holiday song! Be sure you become a follower! Have a wonderful night! Good night!
<3 Ashley
I come from a family that has a tree decorated in its own theme in each room of the house so 7 trees total. The Victorian tree, The kitchen gingerbread man tree, The beach Santa tree, the tea cup tree,the family kids craft tree, The Redskin tree, and my ballerina tree. So I find myself wanting to start giving each room of my boyfriends house a theme. Then I realize the amount in my bank account and I snap out of it.
So far, I know I would like the kitchen to have either snowmen or penguins in it with the plaid place mats I saw at Target over the weekend. I would love to make or buy a sign that says " Baby, it's cold outside.
That of course is my favorite holiday song. Jessica Simpson sang that song with her ex husband Nick Lachey and it has been on repeat every Christmas since!
The thought of Christmas makes me all giddy and yet frightened because I have no idea what gifts I am wanting to get my boyfriend or family.
Please leave a comment telling me about your holiday decor. Anything you have seen that fits the snowmen/penguin thought for the kitchen. Your favorite holiday movie, or your favorite holiday song! Be sure you become a follower! Have a wonderful night! Good night!
<3 Ashley
Shop until you Drop!
Visit WANTABLE and get your November boxes! Accessories, makeup, or an intimates box.
Visit AVON to get all your Makeup, accessories, at home spa treatments, manicure needs, clothes, anything and everything to make you feel as beautiful as you are!
Today, I feel like just staying home. I have that "Monday Blues" feeling but it's Tuesday. Just Blah! I don't know what I want to wear to work and my sweat pants and hoodie keep calling my name....
Hope everyone has a great day! Hopefully I will get over my little funk....
<3 Ashley
Monday, November 4, 2013
From This to That.....
Manicure Monday!!
Alright so as you know I was Lady Thor for my Halloween activities. Well I painted my nails Shimmer Red from Avon to go with the costume. Yesterday I painted gold mosaic from Avon over top to have "Redskin" nails.
Visit Avon to get your own nail colors to make yourself have a MANICURE MONDAY!!
<3 Ashley
A HTTR Adventure!
Well I can say I for sure got my moneys worth at yesterday's football game between the Washington Redskins and the San Diego Chargers. The game went into overtime and the Washington Redskins came out with the win!
There is nothing like sitting in he stadium singing the victory song for each touchdown made as well as the victory itself. I have to say besides being at home or myrtle beach being at fed ex field is one of my favorite places to be.
The day started out with me scaring myself awake from hitting my night stand with my hand as a rolled over and almost off the bed. I saw that is was about 20mins before time I had planned to wake up so I sneeked out of the room and made breakfast for my boyfriend and I. Nothing too special just put some Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls in the oven and poured some Sunny D into our Avenger cups. I got my redskin gear on while it cooked.
I decided to wear my Chris Cooley jersey even though he doesn't play anymore he's still a Redskin! I also wore my forever 21 skinny jeans, my gold glitter flats, Redskins jacket and Redskin earrings!
Once we ate we were ready to go Kris had packed his truck with our chairs and I had his "I like" cooler packed with drinks and the ham biscuits.
The truck ride was fun we started our trip out with listening to the silver bullets the band we saw play Friday night. Then he switched it to Pandora and played the Eric Church station. (My favorite) we sang most of the songs and danced in the truck together. Yep...we are crazy. Kris likes to change the words to songs and make them dirty or just really funny. So I spent most of the ride laughing at him. I also got to learn more about cars and jet skis. Also learned that tire tread on the road is called an alligator! (Just in case you are on a trivia game or want to impress someone, thought you should know that too) Kris is my Google I tell him that everyday.
After all my lessons and singing, we arrived at the stadium! Kris set up our chairs in his truck bed opened the window to the back so we could still hear our country music. We ate the ham biscuits and people watched. There was burgundy and gold everywhere! Oh and little hints of blue and yellow but mostly everywhere you looked it was redskin fans.
Now it was time for the game we settled into our seats and the game was crazy! I told Kris I had never been to a regular season game where they won and that happened yesterday! Kris laughed at me screaming and my names I called some players he even mocked me a little. All in all it was well worth the money! The crowd was awesome! Some a little scary but others gave Kris and I something to giggle to ourselves about.
We thought we would never make it home from the accidents and road work on 95. After a stop to food lion for some hamburger and milk, we came home I cooked tacos and we watched Ironman. Not long after our bellies were full we went to sleep.
I am so thankful for getting to go to the game and spend that special moment with Kris. He is a trooper that's for sure. I think I may have embarrassed him a little singing Hail To The Redskins. He isn't a football fan and just watches because it is something I am into.
I was born a Washington Redskin fan because of my dad but within the last couple of years it has really become very meaningful to me and what I look forward to seeing on Sunday Monday or Thursdays when they play. I know it is a subject I can bring up and talk to my dad for a while about. I was a big Chris Cooley fan and still wear his jersey. No player has been able to replace him in my eyes yet. He is the player that made me interested in watching the games more.

Well I hope you have enjoyed reading this post! Hail To The Redskins! Hope you become a follower!
<3 Ashley
NFL Washington Redskins
There is nothing like sitting in he stadium singing the victory song for each touchdown made as well as the victory itself. I have to say besides being at home or myrtle beach being at fed ex field is one of my favorite places to be.
The day started out with me scaring myself awake from hitting my night stand with my hand as a rolled over and almost off the bed. I saw that is was about 20mins before time I had planned to wake up so I sneeked out of the room and made breakfast for my boyfriend and I. Nothing too special just put some Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls in the oven and poured some Sunny D into our Avenger cups. I got my redskin gear on while it cooked.
I decided to wear my Chris Cooley jersey even though he doesn't play anymore he's still a Redskin! I also wore my forever 21 skinny jeans, my gold glitter flats, Redskins jacket and Redskin earrings!
Once we ate we were ready to go Kris had packed his truck with our chairs and I had his "I like" cooler packed with drinks and the ham biscuits.
The truck ride was fun we started our trip out with listening to the silver bullets the band we saw play Friday night. Then he switched it to Pandora and played the Eric Church station. (My favorite) we sang most of the songs and danced in the truck together. Yep...we are crazy. Kris likes to change the words to songs and make them dirty or just really funny. So I spent most of the ride laughing at him. I also got to learn more about cars and jet skis. Also learned that tire tread on the road is called an alligator! (Just in case you are on a trivia game or want to impress someone, thought you should know that too) Kris is my Google I tell him that everyday.
After all my lessons and singing, we arrived at the stadium! Kris set up our chairs in his truck bed opened the window to the back so we could still hear our country music. We ate the ham biscuits and people watched. There was burgundy and gold everywhere! Oh and little hints of blue and yellow but mostly everywhere you looked it was redskin fans.
Now it was time for the game we settled into our seats and the game was crazy! I told Kris I had never been to a regular season game where they won and that happened yesterday! Kris laughed at me screaming and my names I called some players he even mocked me a little. All in all it was well worth the money! The crowd was awesome! Some a little scary but others gave Kris and I something to giggle to ourselves about.
We thought we would never make it home from the accidents and road work on 95. After a stop to food lion for some hamburger and milk, we came home I cooked tacos and we watched Ironman. Not long after our bellies were full we went to sleep.
I am so thankful for getting to go to the game and spend that special moment with Kris. He is a trooper that's for sure. I think I may have embarrassed him a little singing Hail To The Redskins. He isn't a football fan and just watches because it is something I am into.
I was born a Washington Redskin fan because of my dad but within the last couple of years it has really become very meaningful to me and what I look forward to seeing on Sunday Monday or Thursdays when they play. I know it is a subject I can bring up and talk to my dad for a while about. I was a big Chris Cooley fan and still wear his jersey. No player has been able to replace him in my eyes yet. He is the player that made me interested in watching the games more.

Well I hope you have enjoyed reading this post! Hail To The Redskins! Hope you become a follower!
<3 Ashley
NFL Washington Redskins
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Check....Check...Check...Let's Go!
Ahhh! I'm so excited! Today, I have been running around getting things prepared for the Washington Redskins game my boyfriend and I are going to that is tomorrow!
The Washington Redskins play the San Diego Chargers and it's the Redskins Homecoming game! I saw a friend had put on his Facebook status that he was still trying to sell tickets to Sunday's game. I contacted him and said I would love to help him out and take those tickets off his hands. I met him this morning and bought the tickets.
I went grocery shopping afterwards. I decided to get some ham, swiss cheese, biscuits and some mustard along with all the other items we needed in the house.
I now have the ham biscuits all prepared! Now its time for me to hurry and decide what I'm going to wear to the game......
The Washington Redskins play the San Diego Chargers and it's the Redskins Homecoming game! I saw a friend had put on his Facebook status that he was still trying to sell tickets to Sunday's game. I contacted him and said I would love to help him out and take those tickets off his hands. I met him this morning and bought the tickets.
I went grocery shopping afterwards. I decided to get some ham, swiss cheese, biscuits and some mustard along with all the other items we needed in the house.
I now have the ham biscuits all prepared! Now its time for me to hurry and decide what I'm going to wear to the game......
So now I need to decide what I want to wear to the game!
Remember to change your clocks back an hour tonight!
<3 Ashley
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