Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Splash Liquid Lipstick


Good Morning!

I would like to talk more about the Younique Splash Liquid Lipstick. Not only because it is the Kudos this month but also because I honestly never really gave them a fair shot.

I touched base one them in October with this Post and then again to tell you about the June Kudos

Now, I really want to go in depth with this product because I believe I have become a fan!

Have you ever had chocolate Mousse​ icing... Well that's what this product reminds me of for sure!
Putting that icing on my lips!

Bonus is not getting all those calories!

Well these beauties were released in October of 2016 with 10 amazing colors and now for a limited time only they have 6 new colors for this month that can be purchased through the Kudos.

I myself bought:





I'm sorry I never gave them a fair chance beings that I'm such a fan of the Lipstains for the fact that I can put those on in the morning and not have to reapply during the day...

Well that all changed when I found out about this nifty trick to apply primer over your Splash liquid lipstick color and you have non transferring​ color stay!

My lips have that kiss ready feeling... Muah!

In the June Kudos these amazing colors were released!




My favorite so far is Sublime....

I think I have wore the color everyday since receiving it... which is why I don't have a picture of the other colors to really share...

Splash Make Up Tip:

To help make your Splash color last and less transferable....

Apply you splash color 

Then once your Splash color is dry apply Primer directly to your lips and let dry

You will then have your Splash color locked in and less transferable!

If you are wanting to make a splash one your lips feel free to visit the website  or you are welcome to contact me with any questions you may have!

Thanks so much for reading this post!

Have an awesome of a day as your are!

<3 Ashley

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Oswald Update!

My boy is growing up...

He weighed in at 9.8 pounds.

Going up and down the steps aren't even an issue for him anymore....

He jumps on the couch and off of the couch....Which is so cute to see this flying pup!.... Audrey isn't happy about it. No where for her to hide now...

The biggest news.... Oswald's ears are standing now! Just when I thought he couldn't be any cuter....

Fun Fact: Audrey's birthday is November 3 and Oswald's is February 3!


He LOVES to cuddle!

Loves Car rides... he is very good he really just curls up and tries to sleep.

Picture proof that they actually like each other!

Audrey and Oswald get along just like normal brother and sisters do. I can't take Oswald anywhere without Audrey. He doesn't like it but once he gets home to see Audrey he is all happy again!

Audrey has her moments of just wanting me to herself and well the feeling is mutual... I miss my Audrey cuddles... they don't happen as much here lately... I get Oswald cuddles more than Audrey ones... 

Which... Hey... at least I get cuddles....

There's a whole lot of personality in our house hold and I LOVE it!

I thought having two dogs much less doing the puppy thing all over again was going to be harder than it's been. 

It's really been so much fun and gosh what love I receive when I get home....

Such an awesome feeling!

Hope you all enjoy reading about my fur babies!

Have a great day!

<3 Ashley 

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Gonna have a Younique Splash in June!

Hello Good Morning!

Can you believe we are in the month of JUNE?!

This year is going quick...

I would like for it to slow down this month... I'm gonna be 30 next month... ugh!

Well this month is going to be an awesome month in my Younique World!

Good news:

Here is this months Kudos

Shut the front door 🚪 Six NEW Liquid Lipstick colors!!!

NUDE Liquid Lipstick Colors!!!

 Even better. Buy 3 and get a lip liner for FREE!! I can't tell you how pumped I am 

Bad news:

The eye mineral pigments are retiring July 31st and already a few colors are out of stock...

Colors out of stock:


The available colors are $12.50 each


You can still get a set of 4 for $45

If you are interested in any of these products please contact me!

Order You Splash Kudos here!!

Be on the look out to see these amazing colors modeled on me as well as different eye looks with the eye mineral pigments!


Here is something I found to be so very interesting and yet so freaking powerful to me.  Now, I joined Younique for the discount you ge...