Saturday, April 30, 2016

Sweet Audrey

Oh my little Pug-kin Audrey! She's my best friend! She hasn't slowed down yet and I am so in love.

My little girl isn't so little anymore and her last vet visit she weighed 26 pounds! She's on a diet.... Poor girl! I am sure she will lose it in the summer with as much running around as she does then. She gets Half a cup of food in the morning and half a cup of Green Beans. She is doing good with it but she still has that Pug in her that everything is food...must need food... nom nom nom....

Audrey has done really good with Clyde. She doesn't like him on the couch with me though she goes nuts! The girl just wants to play non stop. Clyde needs a nap every so often. She is constantly going in his crate and checking on his stuff and making sure he doesn't have anything she wants. She is kinda mean to him when it comes to food or antler bones.

She is my best friend. I absolutely love each cuddle, lick, and puppy eyes look she gives. It always warms my heart and makes me smile!

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