Thursday, October 31, 2013

Ghouls just wanna have fun!

Happy Halloween!  The Monster Mash and Thriller will fill the radio waves today! whoot whoot!

Speaking of Thriller last night with my family we caught a Michael Jackson special that was airing last night. I felt as I did as a kid watching the Disney princesses.....oh I still look like that when I watch them today.... bad example.... well I felt like a kid in a candy shop watching Thriller. The dancing was so awesome I wanted to rewind it and watch it over again and dance along with them.

The poll of What's Your Fall Must-Have? I had going on on the blog ended last night with 50% of the votes saying scarves and 50% of the votes saying hoodies. For me, I would have to agree with scarves.

Scarves can do so much for you. They can help you dress up a plain outfit with a little splash of color. As well as give you a little extra warmth on those chilly fall days. There hasn't been many chilly fall days here in the area of Virginia I live in. I haven't worn mine as much as usually due to that.

Now the actually scarves you tie yourself are my favorite as a pose to the infinity scarves. I feel the infinity scarves are too big and just don't sit right on me. I only have one infinity scarf in my collection and it does get fluffy throughout the day on me. I just love the pattern though! While packing my closet to move into my boyfriend's, I counted that I have 15 of the tie yourself scarves..... I guess I do really like them.

I have seen that there are 20 different ways you can tie your scarf.....I think I only wear 2 of the ways.

Well that's all the rambling that comes to mind right now remember the only people you need in your life are the ones that treat you like a princess. Hope everyone has a wonderful day! If you have your little ones trick or treating be very careful and HAVE FUN!


  1. Happy Halloween!!! I totally know what you mean by scarves. They can really dress up an outfit and they're so versatile!


    1. Oh my goodness girl! Thank you so much for your comment. I love your blog. I am feeling like a celeb wrote on my blog at the moment. You have made my day! Happy Halloween!

      <3 Ashley



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