Wednesday, May 24, 2017

I Don't Wanna Be......

Oh man hearing just those words sung...

The excitement that fills me!

I recently started watching the seasons of One Tree Hill that I never watched due to my boycotting days.... due to (spoiler alert)

Lucas, Peyton, and Sawyer leaving the show...

Not really sure what made me go back to watch the rest of the show.... 

ANYWAY..... I may still be mad about Lucas and Peyton... but umm The show is awesome!

(more spoilers)

I mean I am still watching the show going oh Lucas wouldn't have let that happen... or Hello Peyton would have totally been there!

Okay enough about that....

I think a couple has totally filled the Lucas and Peyton void though....

I love Clay and Quinn

Peyton was always my favorite but I have to say... Quinn might be my girl now!

I mean she sang a song about Toaster Pasteries!

Toaster pastry, it tastes so good and yummy. Toaster pastry, get into my tummy. Frosting doodle, on my strudel. And now I’m gonna eat you up!

I mean who wouldn't love her?!

Brooke Davis reminds me of Blair on Gossip Girl... I didn't like her in the beginning and then she became my favorite.... Brooke is my 3rd favorite at the moment!

She has made me cry a lot.

Also, I feel so silly for not realizing that Alex was country music singer Jana Kramer...

I think I had my hater shades on too tight cause I was all Team Brooke!

I apologize!

I start the last season tonight! I'm excited to see what happens and how the show ended.

One of my best friends and I would like to go tour Wilmington NC to see the different sights from the show.

Added to my bucket list!

If you are a fan of the show... Let Me Know!

If you have toured Wilmington... Please Please please share with me what you saw!

Hope you all have an awesome day!

I'm so ready to race home and get all cuddly on the couch with the dogs and watch One Tree Hill!

<3 Ashley

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Something has been bothering me here lately... and you know it actually goes back to a post that so many of you liked...

Well, I have been hurt by words of a status I read. The person complained that LuLaRoe should not be worn outside of the house on some people.


If you are confident and comfortable... Girl Rock it!

I have a hard time finding my size clothes in the "normal" brands... Always have.  

I enjoyed Lularoe more because I am comfortable and well being married and I'm not feeling like I need to look a certain part anymore and honestly I get more complements on my LuLaRoe than other brands I may wear. 

Anyway, her complaint started with LuLaRoe reps adding her to the groups without her permission.. Which yes I agree is annoying when they all gang up on you and do that...

Then it quickly became a chat on her status of how people don't look good wearing LuLaRoe.

It hurt me not just cause I wear it but, because I know this person is in the spotlight enough to where she has fans... her other job is one where she is supposed to be helping people feel good about themselves and become healthy and proud. 

Just seeing her agreeing with those comments made me sit back and think WOW... Thanks a lot!

I was taught at my old job... to be aware of posts made especially about children or what I wouldn't want my students to be reading.  

Did I show the image of a teacher on social media?

So, Just thinking she probably has hurt fans out there that wear LuLaRoe and she talked bad about them. 

Just saying she isn't interested in the LuLaRoe brand would have been enough.

Not list her reasons and opinions why...

Just don't see how that helped her image... cause it surely made me feel like she said you were ugly if you wore LuLaRoe.

Think before you speak... or type.

I mean yes... we are all entitled to our opinions but if you have people looking up to you... Probably should keep some things to yourself. 

Anyway, Remember no matter what someone says... You are Beautiful!

<3 Ashley

Monday, May 22, 2017

Active Audrey!

With me becoming active again.... The trying to stay outside and help Oswald burn off his puppy energy... I noticed Audrey was laying there watching us...

I started taking her outside with just me and walking her and playing with the ball... 

Could just be me totally worrying over nothing.... cause she is probably tired with a little brother jumping on her constantly

I started looking to see if there was something extra that would help me know if she was being active enough.... she had already been to the vet and is healthy....

Which I believe the vet... but seeing another Puggle pictured that was her age... it got me worried that I myself wasn't doing my Fur Mama job like I should be....

Then I saw where there's a like Fitbit thing for dogs!

It's called FitBark

FitBark is a dog activity monitor that tracks everyday activity in real time with a compact bone design that fits on your dogs collar. It's water proof and has a 14 day battery life! You can do everything from setting activity goals to monitoring how they are doing after a surgical procedure.  It tracks how well they sleep, measure their activity while you're away and even compare it to other dogs.

Even cooler... Your dog will get a score that you can use to measure progress and you can even sync it with your own activity devices!

So the challenge between Audrey and I is on!

You know getting her active and healthy is going to get me active and healthy as well!

We need to keep up with Oswald!

There are no added fees and it works with a variety of free apps that are compatible with iOS, Android and standard web platforms. Which will allow you to connect with other users!

Could help you identify health issues early on, get feedback on how your dog is responding to a new treatment or diet. 

Now once you purchase the Fitbark and tell your friends and family about it... you will be laughed at for getting " a Fitbit for your dog".... but hey it helps you know more about your dog and to see if you are actually doing good for them.

It's been such a motivating change for me... I mean I love Audrey with all my heart and I want to be the best for her and help as much as I can to keep her around...

This helps that!

Now, I was very hesitant about ordering one... I read all the reviews.. asked Facebook dog groups... and even asked on Twitter...

Finally, I just went ahead and bought it.

Kris actually thought it was a good idea... He knew it would help get her and I both moving and it has as well as him!

The FitBark came fast! I ordered it and later that day I was alerted that it had been shipped!

We received it 2 days later.

I can't wait to share the first week with ya'll!

Just know I am liking it a lot!

Stay Tuned!

<3 Ashley

If you are interested in ordering one of your own visit FitBark

Friday, May 19, 2017

Makes me want a Hot Dog real Bad.....

Just the little bit of warm weather we are having... I am seriously craving Hot dogs on the grill... pasta salad... cold sweet tea.

Something is seriously wrong with me...

Well there's a restaurant that my parents took me to growing up and well they close before I can get there from my house for dinner....

What happens when ya live in the boondocks...

Anyway, I was craving one of their House Special Frank...

Which is a hot dog with Bacon and cheese on it.

Yum right?

It's so good!

I ended up making one myself and Kris liked them!

Way to step up the Hot Dog game!

They were so good!

I was quite proud!

I'm thinking of adding some chili next time, but then why mess with a good thing?

If you are now drooling and would like to make them...

Here's what I did..


Hot Dogs
Hoagie Style Buns
Cheese slices

Now I cooked my bacon in the skillet... doesn't matter how you cook it just cook like you like your bacon.

I used a piece for each hot dog made and just cut the slice in half.

I grilled the hot dogs

I put the hot dogs all together



Bacon halves on each side of hot dog

cheese slice on top

Then placed them on a baking sheet

Then put them in the oven on broil for the cheese to melt on the hot dogs.

Simple and yet yummy!

Hope you all enjoy these tasty Hot Dogs!

<3 Ashley

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Have a little Wednesday Wisdom...

So I was reading different motivating quotes this morning as I was trying to get out of bed... You know going through the daily pep talk...

It's been a long week for it to only be WEDNESDAY...


Anyway, I came across these 10 Facts and I just had to share because they are so true! I hope if you are having an off day reading these will help you feel better!

 10 Facts Every Woman Should Know:

1. Everyone has rolls when they bend over.

I mean duh! Right? that's why we stand up and suck it in right? 

2. When someone tells you that you're beautiful, believe them. They aren't lying.

I have a bad habit of looking at someone and saying , "Yeah okay... sure."

3. Sometimes we all wake up with breath that could kill a goat.

Sadly, enough... yes....

4. For every woman unhappy with her stretch marks is another woman who wishes she had them.

Crazy as that sounds... I'm sure it's so true.  The things we think are a struggle are usually things people wish they had in their life. A small thing in your life might be a big/ meaningful thing in another.

Never take what you have for grated. 

Flaws remind us that we aren't perfect

5. You should definitely have more confidence. And if you saw yourself the way others see you, you would.

Just how beautiful is that?

6. Don't look for a man to save you. Be able to save yourself.


7. It's okay to not love every part of your body....but you should.

True... gotta work on that myself...

8. We all have that one friend who seems to have it all together. That woman with the seemingly perfect life. Well, you might be that woman to someone else.

Aww... I love that... 

9. You should be a priority. Not an option, a last resort, or a backup plan.

mmm hmmm....

10. You're a woman. That alone makes you pretty damn remarkable.  💕

Girl power!

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

I am looking forward to sharing some exciting things with ya'll in the future!

New recipes!

Audrey News!

Oswald News!

New Products!

Excitement coming your way!

Stay Tuned!

<3 Ashley

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Results of week one are in....

So there are 8 weeks until July....

Week one is done son!

I started the week weighing in at 156.... I end the week weighing in at 152.9!

I need to have at least 10 cups of water a day!

 Weight Watchers ....I get a daily amount of 30 points and 35 weekly points.

Here's how it went down:

- Monday -  

Points: 28 points 

Exercise : walked 1 mile

Steps: Fibit charger broken...

Water: 10 cups


Points: 30

Exercise : Country Heat

Steps: Fibit charger broken...

Water: 10 cups

- Wednesday-  

Points: 40

Exercise : None

Steps: Fit bit was charging

Water: 10 cups

- Thursday - 

 Points: 30

Exercise : walked 1 mile

Steps: 3,000 

Water: 10 cups

- Friday -  

Points: 35

Exercise : none

Steps: 3,000

Water: 10


Points: 30

Exercise : walked

Steps: 5000

Water: 10


Points: 35

Exercise : none

Steps: 2,000

Water: 8

I am proud of the little victories I had... better food choices were made. I need to step up the exercising for sure!

other than that... looking pretty good!

Gotta keep it up!

<3 Ashley

Monday, May 8, 2017

30 before I'm 30!

Alright guys!

Here I go again...

Broken record over here but I am serious....

I had lost 6 pounds last week with all my Fresh Market eating so I plan to keep doing that but also get to moving....

I am mad I have access to all those Beach Body workout programs and I'm not doing any of them...

That changes tonight!

I started a group on Facebook of other ladies doing the beachbody workouts with meeting their goal weight in July!

A lot of them said for their Birthday in July... How cool is that? SAME HERE!!!

My goal is to lose 30 before my 30th!

Which might be a bit of a stretch...but if I lose 10... or even 20...

 I would be happy that I am up and moving and working on the goal.

With organizing the group, going to fresh market to help eat healthier, and doing some sort of work out...

I am still not sure if I am going to do keep with one program or switch around...

If i stick with one program... it will be:

21 day fix

Starting the 8th (today) and will end on the 28th!!!

Kinda wanting to switch around and do some old school hip hop abs.... throw in some zumba dvds...

Honestly, I don't care what I do as long as I move!

I will be sharing any tips and recipes I find along this journey with you...

Are you ready to watch this transformation happen?

I'm ready to start!

I weighed in at 154 this morning so i'm ready to drop 30!

Hope you all have a wonderful day.

Please share some tips!

<3 Ashley

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

My Oh My.... Fresh Market is my new Best Friend

Now, I was looking into trying the Hello Fresh delivery and well I am allergic to seafood so I didn't want to spend the money on something I couldn't eat.  They don't switch out meals due to allergies or dietary restrictions.... I asked...

My friend told me about shopping for her meats and veggies at the new Fresh Market store that opened near us.

Are you ready to hear about these amazing dinners I have been making thanks to Fresh Market?

Like... I have felt like I have been eating restaurant food from my kitchen!

We haven't had our normal frozen pizza and tacos this week.... oh no! 

Totally stepped it up!

 Garlic And Herb Stuffed Pork Chops

Such a juicy and tasty Pork chop. I believe my husband liked this meal way more than I did. It needed more garlic and herb stuff for me. 

Chicken Parmesan

I believe this was my favorite meal so far! The taste was PERFECT! 

The Seasoned Asparagus as the side that came from Fresh Market is DELICIOUS! 

Panko Covered Chicken

Another yummy dinner option for sure!

I totally felt like a chef this week... I mean this food was coming from my kitchen!

So easy to make!

The chicken had the directions of how to bake it in the oven and the Seasoned Asparagus.... I'm telling you is the best asparagus I have ever had! It goes in the microwave for 6 mins!

These meals haven't taken long to cook and they are much healthier choices that were our dinner options!

Our next dinners we are going to try are the.....

Chicken A La Venez (Chicken stuffed with ricotta and spinach)

Chicken Cordon Bleu (chicken stuffed with ham and cheese)

If you shop at Fresh Market share with me your favorite meals you have had.

Thanks for reading and I will gladly share the next meals we have that come from Fresh Market because this will be happening for a while for sure!

<3 Ashley

Monday, May 1, 2017

Believe Your Eyes!

Good Morning!

Happy May!

You know I am excited for a new month because that means.... New Kudos from Younique! 

This one is such a great deal!

Believe Your Eyes!

With this Kudos... you will be getting one of our Addiction pallets of your choice... The 3D Fiber Mascara... and Your choice of color eye liner precision pencil. 

Here are your choices for the Addiction Eye Shadow Palettes:

Addiction Eye Shadow Palette # 1 is your brown and gold colors.

Addiction Eye Shadow Palette # 2 is your grey and silver colors.

Addiction Eye Shadow Palette # 3 is your pink and purple colors.

Addiction Eye Shadow Palette # 4 is your more earth tone colors of brown and green. 

Addiction Eye Shadow Palette # 5 is your bright tone colors of  yellow, pink, and purple.

Here are your 9 eyeliner color choices:

Here are my results of the 3D Fiber Mascara!

Younique delivers to 10 different countries!

New Zeland
United Kingdom
Hong Kong

I included some of the Kudo pricing for a few of those countries I named:

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me and ask or if you would like to browse the website on your own you are completely welcome to but clicking here : Younique Website

Thank you so much for reading today's blog post!

Please feel free to share this with anyone you feel would be interested in learning more about Younique or that would be interested in any of the products!

Have an AWESOME Day!

<3 Ashley


Here is something I found to be so very interesting and yet so freaking powerful to me.  Now, I joined Younique for the discount you ge...