Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Have a little Wednesday Wisdom...

So I was reading different motivating quotes this morning as I was trying to get out of bed... You know going through the daily pep talk...

It's been a long week for it to only be WEDNESDAY...


Anyway, I came across these 10 Facts and I just had to share because they are so true! I hope if you are having an off day reading these will help you feel better!

 10 Facts Every Woman Should Know:

1. Everyone has rolls when they bend over.

I mean duh! Right? that's why we stand up and suck it in right? 

2. When someone tells you that you're beautiful, believe them. They aren't lying.

I have a bad habit of looking at someone and saying , "Yeah okay... sure."

3. Sometimes we all wake up with breath that could kill a goat.

Sadly, enough... yes....

4. For every woman unhappy with her stretch marks is another woman who wishes she had them.

Crazy as that sounds... I'm sure it's so true.  The things we think are a struggle are usually things people wish they had in their life. A small thing in your life might be a big/ meaningful thing in another.

Never take what you have for grated. 

Flaws remind us that we aren't perfect

5. You should definitely have more confidence. And if you saw yourself the way others see you, you would.

Just how beautiful is that?

6. Don't look for a man to save you. Be able to save yourself.


7. It's okay to not love every part of your body....but you should.

True... gotta work on that myself...

8. We all have that one friend who seems to have it all together. That woman with the seemingly perfect life. Well, you might be that woman to someone else.

Aww... I love that... 

9. You should be a priority. Not an option, a last resort, or a backup plan.

mmm hmmm....

10. You're a woman. That alone makes you pretty damn remarkable.  ðŸ’•

Girl power!

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

I am looking forward to sharing some exciting things with ya'll in the future!

New recipes!

Audrey News!

Oswald News!

New Products!

Excitement coming your way!

Stay Tuned!

<3 Ashley

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