Monday, May 22, 2017

Active Audrey!

With me becoming active again.... The trying to stay outside and help Oswald burn off his puppy energy... I noticed Audrey was laying there watching us...

I started taking her outside with just me and walking her and playing with the ball... 

Could just be me totally worrying over nothing.... cause she is probably tired with a little brother jumping on her constantly

I started looking to see if there was something extra that would help me know if she was being active enough.... she had already been to the vet and is healthy....

Which I believe the vet... but seeing another Puggle pictured that was her age... it got me worried that I myself wasn't doing my Fur Mama job like I should be....

Then I saw where there's a like Fitbit thing for dogs!

It's called FitBark

FitBark is a dog activity monitor that tracks everyday activity in real time with a compact bone design that fits on your dogs collar. It's water proof and has a 14 day battery life! You can do everything from setting activity goals to monitoring how they are doing after a surgical procedure.  It tracks how well they sleep, measure their activity while you're away and even compare it to other dogs.

Even cooler... Your dog will get a score that you can use to measure progress and you can even sync it with your own activity devices!

So the challenge between Audrey and I is on!

You know getting her active and healthy is going to get me active and healthy as well!

We need to keep up with Oswald!

There are no added fees and it works with a variety of free apps that are compatible with iOS, Android and standard web platforms. Which will allow you to connect with other users!

Could help you identify health issues early on, get feedback on how your dog is responding to a new treatment or diet. 

Now once you purchase the Fitbark and tell your friends and family about it... you will be laughed at for getting " a Fitbit for your dog".... but hey it helps you know more about your dog and to see if you are actually doing good for them.

It's been such a motivating change for me... I mean I love Audrey with all my heart and I want to be the best for her and help as much as I can to keep her around...

This helps that!

Now, I was very hesitant about ordering one... I read all the reviews.. asked Facebook dog groups... and even asked on Twitter...

Finally, I just went ahead and bought it.

Kris actually thought it was a good idea... He knew it would help get her and I both moving and it has as well as him!

The FitBark came fast! I ordered it and later that day I was alerted that it had been shipped!

We received it 2 days later.

I can't wait to share the first week with ya'll!

Just know I am liking it a lot!

Stay Tuned!

<3 Ashley

If you are interested in ordering one of your own visit FitBark


  1. Replies
    1. It really is! Very eye opening too! Very Thankful for this though too!



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