Monday, May 8, 2017

30 before I'm 30!

Alright guys!

Here I go again...

Broken record over here but I am serious....

I had lost 6 pounds last week with all my Fresh Market eating so I plan to keep doing that but also get to moving....

I am mad I have access to all those Beach Body workout programs and I'm not doing any of them...

That changes tonight!

I started a group on Facebook of other ladies doing the beachbody workouts with meeting their goal weight in July!

A lot of them said for their Birthday in July... How cool is that? SAME HERE!!!

My goal is to lose 30 before my 30th!

Which might be a bit of a stretch...but if I lose 10... or even 20...

 I would be happy that I am up and moving and working on the goal.

With organizing the group, going to fresh market to help eat healthier, and doing some sort of work out...

I am still not sure if I am going to do keep with one program or switch around...

If i stick with one program... it will be:

21 day fix

Starting the 8th (today) and will end on the 28th!!!

Kinda wanting to switch around and do some old school hip hop abs.... throw in some zumba dvds...

Honestly, I don't care what I do as long as I move!

I will be sharing any tips and recipes I find along this journey with you...

Are you ready to watch this transformation happen?

I'm ready to start!

I weighed in at 154 this morning so i'm ready to drop 30!

Hope you all have a wonderful day.

Please share some tips!

<3 Ashley

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