Good morning! Who is excited about tonight? Pretty Little Liars is back on tonight at 8pm on ABC Family! Do you think we will find anything out or will we end up with more questions?
I can't wait! I think I might miss it tonight though....I know.... What?....How can this be?
Well my Boyfriend's niece is graduating from Preschool and I wouldn't miss that! I love that girl like she is my own! She always knows when to give those special hugs and to be that silly little one to make you smile! She is crazy at times but she is loved by so many for just being herself! I remember the first day I met her, I haven't been in her life but for only 3 years but she walked into my work and smiled at me and I waved to her and she froze, from then on she found out my name and everyday she would walk in and say, Miss Ashley..... and I would say hello and she froze. Then once I became Kris's girlfriend she gave me so much love I became her Ashley! Tonight she will be up on stage singing songs and showing us that she is a big girl now!

Being a Pre-k teacher I have seen some gifts given to the graduates, my favorite is the little ones given the book, " Oh The Places You'll Go!" by Dr. Seuss and the family members write in the book each graduation kind of like their yearbook. I cry every time I read this book to my classes this time of year. It's perfect! I want to read it to Savannah and start this tradition with her and so forth with the kids I will hopefully have in the future.
Today Is your day.
You're off to Great places!
You're off and away!
And will you succeed?
Yes! You Will. indeed!
(98 and 1/4 percent guaranteed)
So I'll need to grab a box a tissues for tonight! Everyone enjoy their day and Pretty Little Liars!
Read "Oh The Places You'll Go!"
or just hug your loved ones because remember you are lucky to have them!
<3 Ashley