Hey everyone! Hope you had a fantastic Friday! I'm spending my night cuddled with Audrey which is a perfect way to end this week! Dealt with driving in the Snow and the kids acting as if there was a full moon or something the past few days! Whew! Craziness!
I have to say I am very proud of myself. I tried a few styles that I am normally nervous about doing but I did and I felt great. I wore new accessories, that normally I would just day dream about and wish I could pull off. I rocked them! Then I also wore my hair a different way and I loved it! I will totally be trying it again! Also, It's been 2 days since I bought something from Jane.com! That website is awesome yet terrible for my fashion loving self!

Are you all getting ready for Super Bowl? I wish I was spending it with my family like last year but my dad is working so Kris and I invited friends over and most have said they already had plans and a few said they may show up. So what should I fix? I am all about party food its my favorite! Dips,Chips,and Pigs in Blanket my kinda thing!
I am thinking that the Seahawks will win the game and honestly I don't care who does. Not a fan of either team. I am more excited about the food and commercials!
Anyway, I need to go get some sleep Audrey has a vet appointment early tomorrow morning to get her next round of shots and get her nails trimmed.
Last appointment she weighed 2.4 pounds..... I'm thinking either 2.8 or 3.0 pounds this time! We shall see!
Good night!
<3 Ashley