Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Yes... I am Alive

Good morning everyone I am very sorry I have not posted in a while... go ahead call me a slacker. How is everyone? I haven't really done that much kinda why I haven't posted anything.

Are you guys ready for tonight's Pretty Little Liars? I can't wait to see what other twists they throw at us tonight!

Also there are some Beautiful Items coming out in the next Mark magalog!due out in Avon's campaign 10. the current campaign is 7 so you have a while before it is available but not that long!!!!!  I can't wait! It is all for summer! Maxi dress, sandals, sunglasses, a dress you can wear as a dress or scrunch and it becomes a skirt (great for packing for a trip that gives you 2 outfits) So be on the look out for those great items! Oh by the way the outfit I told you all about that Lucy Hale was modeling is not available for purchase I just received mine last night
visit The Mark website to get this cute outfit!

Today is suppose to be a beautiful day here with temperatures of 78 degrees! so exciting! Hope everyone have a wonderful day! I need to take a lot of pictures and get back to posting on here! I can't wait for spring to really hit because then I'll be doing some photo shoots! my plan is to have an outfit of the week and hopefully turn that into outfit of the day! 

Have a wonderful day everyone! Don't worry I am back! 

<3 Ashley

1 comment:

  1. Glad your back! LOL! Missed getting a wardrobe update!
    Have a great day!



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