Monday, January 9, 2017

Beach Body here I come!



Guys.... Guys.... GUYS... 

Guess what?!

I bought the Beach Body on demand program!

You get all of the workouts and diet plans.

 Now for $99 until the end of Feb.

You are so going to want to get this awesome deal!

You know which one I am most excited about having is Country Heat!

Which yes I did tell ya'll about the Zumba Country as being awesome and it is but this program works you a bit more.

 It really makes me wanna say Yee Haw!

I am so excited and Can't wait to start!!!

Kris has been enjoying doing the T25 or PX90 that was included.

We are also interested in trying the Core De Force program.

Seriously this is a great deal to be able to try all these amazing workouts and there is no excuse of being bored when having all these options to choose from.

If you are interested you can contact Samantha

She also has done a group page to keep everyone motivated during their journey!

Which I am apart of and I love it!

I love helping others out because it helps me out as well.

You can't be telling people what they need to be doing or should be doing if you aren't even doing it yourself.

That's why I am always asking if you have the same goals...

Let me help you by helping myself too!

They ask you to do your before and after pictures, measurements, and weight.

So I will need to get that done tonight before I start. 

I think I am starting the Country Heat program tonight.

I am super excited!

So that means Feb 8th I should look and feel a whole lot different! 

Now I know not to let myself get frustrated even if I don't complete the program in the 30 days...

It's all good!

I can do what I can and start over for the new month. 

This whole process is to make me better then I was...

I'm not coming home taking care of Audrey then eating and sitting on the couch.

I come home take care of Audrey, work out, shower, fix dinner and then sit on the couch!  

So I am already proud of myself and I know this is going to make me even better!

Let's Do this!

I want to know if you have done this workout?

What did you like about it?

Are you interested in doing it?

I can't wait to tell you all about it!

I'm Super excited to share this journey with you all!

Chins up!

Pull those pony tails tight!

Let's kick some butt off ourselves and get healthy!

Do it for the whoa you got hot!

Do it for you!

Do it because you can!


<3 Ashley

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