Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Nude nails....

Good morning! How are you today? Did you leave anyone a special note? I received quite a few and really I was more excited that they read my blog post from yesterday! 

Last week, I tried Essie color Sand Tropez. I have to say I liked it but it wasn't the nude color I was looking for... It stayed on my nails nicely given the test of  work! I'm serious if nail color stays on my nails at work it's awesome! I have to wash my hands at work over 50 times a day. So A+ for this nail color! 

So what nude color have you tried and loved? I feel like my next color I would like to try is a deep grey! I have one on the way from AVON the Speed dry Grey Flash! It's only 99 cents! Worth a try and I will for sure post my nails and see if it passes the test!

Hope you all have a wonderful day! Leave some love! 
Remember Life is short...Smile while you still have teeth!

<3 Ashley


  1. I have this color too! I love it, but I think it can be hard to find a good nude color.

    1. oh yes for sure! I loved this color! I will paint my nails that color again for sure! :) thanks for the comment!



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